Asana has its very own Pro Shop stocked with equipment that will keep your adventures safe and enjoyable across the range of climbing and bouldering disciplines.
We keep our Pro Shop stock adapted to the needs of our community. Asana Members receive a 15% discount on everything in our shop, and keep an eye out for sales throughout the year!
Our mission is to facilitate a positive environment and atmosphere, full of challenges and excitement, in order to create personal and community growth. In this growth, we are challenged to become better people: physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially!
Asana began in Boise in 1999 in our founder's garage as a manufacturing company producing “Everything Bouldering”. The company grew and became the market leader in custom padding systems for climbing gyms across the US. In 2013, the company incorporated the Asana Climbing Gym to become a core part of the Treasure Valley climbing commmunity. Today, the gym is ever evolving as we are the premiere facility offering everything bouldering.
Hours of Operation: M-Th: 6am-10pm Fri: 6am-7pm Sa-Su: 8am-7pm